Cordelia Taylor Designs


This university assignment required the creation of a 16 page magazine incorporating all original photographs, imagery and text.

Cordelia Taylor Designs magazine Hawaii article page 1
Cordelia Taylor Designs Managzine hawaii article page 2
Cordelia Taylor Designs magazine hawaii article page 4
Cordelia taylor designs magazine hawaii article page 3

This project showcases my abilities in desktop publishing, vector graphic creation, use of colour and page layout design.

Each photo included in this magazine is original taken during my travels, and it was nice to be able to incorporate them into a project.

For each article I used unique typography for the headings to fit with the theme of the article. I kept the body text uniform throughout the magazine to ensure consistency and readability.

The use of the same grid structure throughout the whole magazine ensures consistency and a flow from start to finish even through the individual layout of the pages is unique.

Cordelia Taylor Designs magazine New York article page
Cordelia Taylor Designs magazine new york article

This spread shows a collage created in Photoshop. It utilises an aerial map of New York with individual photos of different landmarks along a numbered path. This displays my ability to incorporate text and images together into a cohesive page design.

cordelia taylor designs magazine parasol insurance logo vector
cordelia taylor designs magazines pen and plane logo vector

As part of the magazine we had to create two advertisements from scratch. This included creating branding for the fake companies created.
These logos are examples of vector graphic creation, including the use of text and imagery to create a logo.