Cordelia Taylor Designs


Cordelia Taylor Designs quote Poster Printed Whole

University assignment to create a poster highlighting an inspirational quote from a designer.

This design showcases my vector graphic abilities and use of white space.

The quote featured is by Issey Miyake, whose products and approach to design I find inspirational. I utilised geometric shapes which are prevalent in his designs to create a frame to surround the quote.

The development of this poster started with a variety of mark making. From this mark making a background design in hard copy was developed.

Typography was experimented with to ensure the font fit within the frame and the style of the poster.

Once the background was finalised the type was added digitally, with the finished product professionally printed.

Cordelia Taylor Designs poster use of white space and typography
Cordelia taylor Designs Poster mark making thumbnail

This project highlights many of the principles that guide my designs. Including the use of white space to frame the focus of the poster, featuring geometric shapes and patterns as well as strategic use of colours.

Cordelia Taylor Designs Poster quote use of typography and white space